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31 January 2009

Enchantress from the Stars

Sylvia Louise Engdahl

Publisher: Hallideay Lithograph Corporation and in Canada by McClelland and Stewart, Ltd.

A Newberry Honor Award Book (1970)

Elana is a student at the Federation's Anthropological center. She wants to become and agent and save Youngling civilizations. When she sneaks aboard a mission she finds herself in a totally new world and accomplishing tasks she had not learned about in school. The first local she meets believes she is an Enchantress and that sets the whole plan into motion. Join Elana, her father, Evvrek - her bethrothed, Georyn - the local and other characters for a journey filled with fantasy and science fiction.

Warnings: This book is not a light easy read - it feels heavy and like there is a deeper meaning to everything.

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